The problem is occuring when trying to write a link in the
template yourself, and not taking into account that the template file will
not be located in the root, *but in the Templates directory* which is located
in the root.
If you enter chapter1.htm as the link in the template, then when the
template is saved in the Templates directory (and it *will* be, this is
how it's engineered to work) the link will be to a file in the Templates
directory, not somewhere else in your site. You'd have to save your entire
site into the Templates directory for the link you write to be correct.
If you're going to enter a link instead of browsing for the file as I
advised (see end of this message), then the link must begin with ../ to
get up & out of the template directory!
Also, site root relative links avoid all this, but are a pain when trying
to check your work locally because they are only understood by the server.
Your local machine can't use them at all - that's another reason (among
others even if you're not using site-root relative links) why DW has to
use a TEMP file to preview, the links to subsequent pages won't function
- because it would take a "server" to interpret them and deliver the subsequent
document (this why frames don't preview using site-root - the "frames"
are acutally subsequent pages, the server would have to deliver them.)
This trying to link to non-existant files is one reason why DW has the
ability to create new files in the site window - and you can use the site
map function on the left to see how you're gonna string it all together.
You right-click (mac version use the SITE menu) and select "new file"
and name it whatever page you want to link to, but have not yet created,
and get some "blank" files down there to get your site structure going.
For creating your subdirectory structure, "new folder" is also available.
Once you've gotten the key files & your subdirectory structure in
place, you can open all those blank pages, and apply the template to the
page: MODIFY>TEMPLATES>Apply template to page.
*whew* I admit, it's tough to understand. But with knowledge comes power.
Vernon Viehe
Macromedia Technical Support |